
الثلاثاء، 5 مايو 2015

Way use the option, oats to clean skin and treatment of grain

Way use the option, oats to clean skin and treatment of grain

The option, oats seen as the most important of natural materials for the health of the skin and this is due to they include important and necessary for the health of skin nutrients The cells of the skin, but some women may Athirn in how to use each of the option and oats together for the renewal of skin cells and repair problems so we through this article we will present the way you use and oats for the health of the skin option through an easy and simplified steps set can be every woman that you make herself at home Vtalmiha us.

Two eggs - honey - Oats - option
Steps ::
 - Nationalist first money option and clean it well and then national Finely chop into thick slices slightly as shown in the picture ... and now Dress mixing all of the eggs with some of the honey with cooked oatmeal ... .. and now national add cucumber slices, which summits processed to eggs, honey, oats mixture.
And so you have not Anthetti of oats processing option to Tstkhaddmah on your face Fastkhaddmah as follows:
- National status mixture and straighten the entire face
- and was keen to cucumber slices on your eyelids and the eye, especially the bottom of the situation as this area was black ... and when it dries the mixture on your face national Bgsila water and face lotion
And so will you get dear women on the benefits of each of the option, oats, will Tnaman healthy and free of acne and pimples and scars and also will get rid of clogged pores and waste deposited by and become a pure and wholesome and your skin beautiful and attractive appearance of the skin, we recommend that you evaluating repeat this Catcher regularly until you all benefits.
One of the main benefits of choice for the skin also it nourishes the skin and benefits the skin because it contains important and useful elements such as sulfur component that maintains the freshness of the skin and Aonth and smoothness also contains compounds "Clausaides" sugary that feed the muscles of the face, and also Eetmtaz option that has the characteristics of moisturizing and cleansing and supple It is also of natural materials that are suitable for all skin types, and you can use cucumber juice as well as Lye for the treatment of sunburn and moisturize the skin and has several other Askhaddamat skin including:
Freckles addresses: It can use the option in the treatment of freckles by soaking several pieces of choice in the milk and leaves him for five hours, then national clean face and then completely soaked Adhenneh this regularity and it will get rid of freckles.
Moisturizing humans: can also use the option in the work holder to moisturize the skin that evaluating cut option into strips and then evaluating the development of these slides on your face each slice next to other Taatrkih on your face for half an hour and then wash your face with lukewarm water, and you should be doing as well as massage your face cut option in a circular motion.  
Acne: This is another way by which to use the option for the treatment of acne is to use mashed cucumber and glycerol components are: mashed Khiartin - flour spoon - a spoon glycerin and the way: are: Dress mixing these ingredients together well and then grease your face and neck area mixture NATIONAL then removes it from the on your face with salt water mixed with one teaspoon each of salt per liter of water.
Treatment pores extensive skin: option helps significantly tighten pores wide skin and is used as follows: Dress mixing seeding option with a similar amount of seeds of melons milk skimmed and Apply the mixture on your face and Atre for half an hour and then wash normal or rose water with water.
We wish to take advantage of every woman looking for a healthy and radiant, and with an attractive form of this article and the information that we view it through the skin.
        Source:  site  

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