
الثلاثاء، 5 مايو 2015

Waist slimming diet guide and exercises

If you suffer from waist fat and full of fat and fat and want slimming waist because it causes you to anxiety and distress and lack of self-confidence and if you also want to get rid of the grease and fat and get thin and ideal and attractive waist in the little time we Ndauki to read this article and follow the tips that will guide you by Thalsali to the waist Tmananh who become pregnant and graceful Kenjmat cinema

Ways slimming waist

1 - Follow proper diet
Scientific research has shown that eating whole grains with fruits and vegetables helps to reduce the proportion of fat entering the body, and whole grains eat very healthy, especially as it does not contain harmful preservatives This method will help you effectively get a waist skinny in a week, But remember that some fruits contain a high content of sugars and therefore eating large amounts of them lead to a counter-productive, as the doctors have pointed out that you need to reduce 3,500 calories from your diet to lose your one pound of weight loss healthy weight is the loss of 2 a pound a week.

2. Drink more water
It is also the most important things you should Falha weight-loss is a lot of  drinking water  so the water will help to reduce the feeling of hunger and thus lose weight and make sure to drink warm water with lemon because it helps to burn body fat.

3. Focus on the type of food and not on quantity
Some women believe that eating less of any kind of food and feeling hungry helps weight loss. In fact, this is a misconception as to your success in weight loss depends on the food that Taatnaoulih type and not the quantity, it're taking small amounts of food are however more than weight has're taking large amounts of the type of fall down and not more than weight, as the bitter here due to the calories in any food ratio must therefore Tmutira on eating foods that contain small amounts of calories.

4. exercise
You care to exercise and Tstqtaa of your day and time a tailored to exercise either at home or in the gym, and if you're not accustomed to exercise must is to begin low-intensity exercise first and then gradually after you move to high-intensity exercise and Exercise own the formation of the waist.

5. Make sure the chest and shoulders building
The key to any part of your body appears thin is large surrounding parts, and your waist so that it seems thin Vqoma building shoulders, chest Consequently, when you practice  exercises for the chest  , shoulders will be they construct and strengthen them shows your waist thinner.

6. Wear appropriate clothing
Another way to your waist seems thin wearing climate is a method for evaluating wear clothes that wide belt on your waist, both Conti wear a dress or a shirt and thus will appear thin waist and thin and very attractive.

Waist Loss Diet

First day
Mycosis:  1 skimmed yogurt + Tvahtin

Lunch:   4 grains of vegetables containing a high proportion of fiber as cucumber + quarter Farkha skinless grilled or boiled
Dinner:  Toast age 2 + 100 gram piece of Quraish cheese

The second day
Mycosis:  open amount of fruit and one type except (banana - Tin - mussels - Craze)

Lunch: green salad + lentil soup dish Average
Dinner:  Mvetokhh amount of fruit and one type

Third Day:  repeat for the first day

Fourth day:  repeat for a second day

Day Five: 
Mycosis:  boiled egg + half my loaf + cucumber + tomato

Lunch: rice 5-7 tablespoons oil + salad +2 broiled fish
Dinner:   2 Lite yogurt +2 fruit fruit

Sixth day: 
Mycosis:  3 tablespoons soy + half my loaf + cucumber + tomato

Lunch:  salad + a quarter of boiled chicken without skin
Dinner:  2-3 fruit fruit

The seventh day:
Mycosis:  Toast the age of 2 +2 spoon jam Lite

Lunch:  dish vegetables + average dish salad + grilled steak
Dinner:  1 yogurt Lite

Play safe to follow this diet and regularity it will help you in a practical and noticeable in obtaining a high waist and sculpted.
8. You can also get a high waist and sculpted by the use of draping the body shapers that evaluating wrap the waist and abdomen bags Plastic well and let go for a period of at least 3 hours and frequentative this work twice, for example, a week and continue on it until you get to the attractive waist who want it.

Waist slimming exercises:

- Nationalist sleep on your side on the floor and then raise your body using your arm to be basing your body on the bottom of the arm and the body must be completely Vd when performing this exercise, and you should be doing repeat 8 times for each side

- Nationalist sit on the ground with the support on the wall back wall and you can sit on a towel in place here to facilitate the exercise and lift your legs up on the whole to be unfolded and tight national as well as an individual and your arms forward so that the fingers of your hand on the ground

- Exercise and you will be asked which is now similar to the previous exercise, but you will here evaluating put your legs on the wall and return B_khasrk back then forward to be Vdan your arms forward and so on and repeat it 15 times

Roads that we are viewing is a group Simple Tips for any female to do can even get a waist slim and attractive increases the beauty and self-confidence, although some of these tips containing visual tricks for you get quick results but you persevere and continue to follow the proper diet and exercise sports regularly and without neglecting to you get a slim waist, which Taatmnah ninety to get it to fit, outweigh the agility movie actresses


        Source:  site            


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