
الثلاثاء، 5 مايو 2015

System slimming diet to lose weight 5 kg in a week

System slimming diet to lose weight 5 kg in a week

We all strive for agility and getting rid of excess weight, and many of us have tried several types of Dieting may not be healthy or long-term Faisab person bored and disappointed for not arriving for weight who wants or find a change in shape quickly, so we put in your hands today system Diet slimming special will help you you lose weight 5 kg in a week as well as it contains all the nutrients needed by the body will not feel any fatigue or him tired just needs to resolve and determination.

Faster slimming diet system with over 5 kilometers in just seven days

The first day plan (fruit)

On the first day of this diet you can eat all kinds of fruit except bananas,  fruit favorite  is the  apple, and watermelon  and all   types of   citrus, there are no restrictions  on the amount of  fruit you eat during the day, you can eat fruit whenever you feel hungry.
 The proposed menu for the day (you can replace it with another):
You can start  your day  with :
  •  Tmrtin of apple or pomegranate.
  • Or an apple and an orange and pomegranate.
You can take in food:
  • Fruit salad.
  • Or the amount of watermelon and cantaloupe.
At the dinner:
  •  You can eat pineapple.
  • With the amount of strawberries.
  • With some apples.
  • At the  end of the day  you must  be  had consumed at least 4 fruits of apple, and the amount of TWO of watermelon and pomegranate.
  • Prohibiting the use of fruit juice during the day.
  • Drink 10 glasses of water at least.
  • To not eat anything else other than in the fruit on the fruit.

Why on fruit?

You must  know that  all  fruits  are very important  for your health,  diet  fruit  is effective  in removing toxins  from the body , and improves  the healing process  and also helps  in  healthy weight loss  , and  the best  types of   fruit to participate in  healthy weight loss is apple and citrus.
  • Grapefruit:  is one of the best kinds of fruit for weight loss,  which  contains modified  sugar is low  and a lot of  fiber  to help improve  the digestive system, perhaps for many Aastassig taste sour, but you have to bear that in return for the enormous benefits it contains.
  • Apple:  is an apple  material  sticky  in the intestines working to  activate  bowel movement , contains  phosphorus  and potassium, which  helps to  wash  the kidney,  apples  alone is not  useful  in the loss of  healthy weight  , but  along with  other fruits  is an  essential part of the  diet  healthy  fruit .

Best  drinks  Weight Loss :

  • Take  a cup  of warm water  and mild add 2  tablespoon of  honey  and 3  tablespoons  of lemon juice  , fresh , mix  well and drink it  once a day  before breakfast  this week.
  • Tea  green  of the best drinks for weight loss,  drink three cups  a day  of green tea  help you burn  80 calories  ,  imagine   that you are six burn calories  while enjoying the   taste of  green tea  the delicious  and wonderful.

Sports to help you lose weight:

  •  Need to walk  for 15  minutes at least  a day, and here we mean  walking  fast  , Walking helps to stimulate blood circulation and help to burn some calories.
  • Exercise abdominal exercises lying on your back and try to do your back to the front and you're still lying.
Note  : You should know that sport alone ascertains you ideal weight but you have to follow a healthy exercise accompanied by a system, sport contributes to tighten the body and get rid of Trahlat post-weight loss.

 The second day

Over the first day of  the accursed  as a day of fruit in peace and came second day, a  day of vegetables  , this day allows you to eat all kinds of vegetables raw or roasted or boiled, but without any additions either oils or dairy or other, and allows you to add salt and pepper.
Important NOTICE:
  • You have to drink too much water for the first day she tries to drink 12 cups of water.
  • You are not allowed any food on that day is vegetables.

List of foods proposed for a day of vegetables:

It is advisable to drink two cups of warm water before breakfast.
It's good to start your day with one boiled potatoes.
Why we recommend boiled potatoes at the beginning of the second day?
  • Potatoes provide you with   a good supply of  ions  and water  for your body  , which is  rich  with important minerals  such as calcium  , potassium, and iron,  and phosphorus.
  • Potatoes  are  a good source  of  vitamin  C,  vitamin  A,  B  and P.
  • Most people believe that potatoes provide them with a lot of fat,  but  in  fact  75  percent of  the weight of  the potato  is water, if you eat potatoes without additions of oil and butter, and others you will not get overweight, Vbatatts without additions is the healthy food will increase your weight.
  • Potatoes contain  17 % content  in starch is one of the  best sources  of natural  starch.
Lunch:  lunch you can eat salad vegetables.
Proposed components to the authority of vegetables:
  • Green leaves of lettuce, parsley and cilantro.
  •      1  cabbage  (cabbage) , chopped  or  grated
  •      5  heads  onions  green  minced
  •      3  carrots  , peeled  sliced  ​​thin
  •      1  horseradish  (optional )
  •      3  slices  tomato   rings
  •      3  table spoon  of lemon juice
  •      Salt
  •      2  option  large  sliced
  •      1/2  cup  peas
  •      1/2  cup  corn  boiled (optional)
You can set up vegetable soup and eat at the dinner.
The amounts of healthy vegetables for soup diet:
  • Zucchini.
  • Islands.
  • Beans.
  • A basket.
  • Onion.
  • Tomatoes (dispensable).
Prepare health vegetable soup method:
  •  Put the onion in a bowl lined Tefal even changes color and leave on the side.
  •  We wash vegetables.
  • Cut small pieces of vegetables.
  • Bring a small suit and put the chopped vegetables.
  • Is added to the water.
  • Leave it on the fire until the flush (Nslgaha).
  • Add the chopped onion to cut vegetables.
  • We add black pepper.
  • You can add broth cube.
Why soup vegetables in the diet?
Because vegetable soup is rich in many vitamins and contain water it gives a sense of satiety and provide the body with lots of energy.
  • You on the second day to maintain Thbatk and your insistence on a complete challenge not listen to the temptations of your stomach and not allow it to spoil you challenge snuffed week after five days has lost 5 kg of weight and enjoyed more slender appearance and health.
  • Try to diversity in the daily Riyadatk to contribute to burn more calories and advancing in the journey of fitness safely.

Third day

After you complete the previous two days in the marathon  diet  to lose weight 5 kg  , then you are in  the third day,  a combination between the first and second day where you can eat in this mix of today's  fruits and vegetables  , you can eat Matrade of vegetables and fruits  , but you have to remember the golden rules:
  • Refrain from  the use of  oil, butter and cheese and similar products.
  • Eating boiled or fresh vegetables.
  • You are not allowed  to drink juice  fruit , is permitted only eat fruit.
  • Not allowed to eat more than 3 pills potatoes a day.
  • You can eat  all fruits  except  bananas .
  • Do not give up the 12 drinking   12  cups of water  a day at least.

Menu proposed third day:

We recommend that you be rolling your day with a cup of green tea mixed with mint too should catch in raising metabolic rate and burn fat you have.
Then a spoonful of honey, followed by three dates.
You may find that this B contains a lot of sugars but in fact you desperately need it should catch on to provide you with the necessary energy.
Lunch:  We recommend you prepare a fruit salad cabbage.
Fruit salad cabbage components:
  • The fruits of 3  oranges  , peeled  and cut into  small pieces.
  • Tmrtin of  red apples, cut  cubes
  •   1 cup  of  grapes  Green
  •   1/4  cup  raisins
  • Tmrtin of  apricots  , chopped
  • 1 tablespoon  sugar  (optional )
  •   1  mangopeeled  and cubed
  • 3 cups  grated cabbage
  •    1 tablespoon  juice  lemon
Note:  Put the mixture in the refrigerator for 3 hours and then all of it Matrade until full and you can store the rest until later.
Dinner:  eating apples in abundance in the dinner is useful to burn fat and Ciecark of satiety.
Important Tips:
  • Increase the amount of walking daily for 20 minutes.
  • Make sure your drinking for drinks scorching of fat per day and advise you in this day with a mixture of ginger and cinnamon drink.
  • Make sure you get sufficient sleep, the recent studies have shown that sleep of the most important things that contribute to weight loss, and the researchers have confirmed that lack of sleep may affect the two weight-control hormones less than the proportion of the hormone leptin which controls satiety and increased ghrelin associated with hunger levels., said the researchers report in the first of its kind and a study evaluating the relationship between sleep and body mass index, which calculates the weight for height, the study pointed out that there is a direct relationship between high body mass and lack of sleep, where the average BMI to 30.24 for those who slept less than 6 hours a day and up to 28.25 for those who slept more than nine hours a day, knowing that the body mass of (20-25) are within the normal rates, and (25-30) are classified as overweight and more than 30 The obesity.

The fourth day

You are in the middle of  the diet  almost Congratulations on your insistence past and your determination, and we invite you to be patient to complete the journey  Fitness  trusted you in the end surprised the results with the help of God, you now need to take a deep breath and remember well   your goal and why it is seeking to achieve  , before a start day fourth Bring paper white type where your goal and why you want to access it, and then type the problems that caused you to  obesity  , and imagine yourself have your goal desired successfully achieved and enjoyed  agility  Imagine yourself and you Atthaglk  Kilohat  excess and focused on the piece in  your subconscious mind  will reach for what you want the help of God.

Fourth day of the diet is a day of milk, yogurt:

Today you may find this the most difficult of the past few days because you will not be available in front of you a lot of fruits and vegetables that were available in front of you in the past few days.
List of permitted food for today:
8 banana fingers.
3 bottles of milk.
The soup diet  (  continued and described in the bottom  )
Diverse diet drinks.
Note:  You can have coffee and tea should not exceed 5 teaspoons of sugar a day.
Why we chose this on bananas in the diet?
The nutritional value of bananas make it very useful for each of the weight gain or weight loss in a healthy way, banana gives you a lot of energy, where the banana fiber digested Slaie in the stomach and digest easily Mmaadjal usefulness apply in quickly bloodstream to give you the energy needed, and banana fruit virtually fat free, fiber content high in bananas helps to lower cholesterol in the body, and eat bananas alone without other foods reduces the calories, and thus helps in healthy weight loss.
Soup diet preparation method:
Water enough to prepare soup
Chopped onion rings.
3 tomatoes.
Some of the lettuce leaves.
1 pill Islands.
Previous Ingredients are placed on the fire for about 5 minutes and then enjoy gourmet taste.

On the sidelines of the fourth day (aerobics):

We have agreed in the past days to exercise daily walk and light exercises and today we will maintain in addition to some useful exercises to flatten the abdomen.
First Exercise: Exercise bike
Steps performance Exercise: -
1. Lie on the floor.
2. Lift your feet like you are riding a bicycle medium speed for 30-60 seconds
3. Take a break 15 seconds
4. Repeat the previous steps to work 3 rounds

Exercise benefits: -
This exercise is one of the overall abdominal exercises, in that it covers all parts of the abdomen, which is of excellent exercises to flatten the abdomen.
Exercise II: lifting legs vertically
Steps to do workout: -
1. Lie on solid ground, put your hands on the floor next to your back
2. Lift your legs 90 degrees, and then Brfhm up
3. Repeat this 10-25 times from then take the rest 10 seconds
4. Do 3 sets of this exercise

The importance of this exercise: - focuses on the lower abdominal muscles.

The fifth day
We continue to journey together in  a nimbleness to  , has gone through a lot of days and today is the fifth in the diet  to lose weight  5 kg in a week  , be patient and you weigh yourself before the end of the week, do not rush the results.

Why we recommend you not to use the balance?

  • Some objects may Atostagib to the diet, but after 3 days to continue the diet and probably did not get the weight loss of Murad only after the completion of a full week to follow the diet regularly.
  • Some may Rijemat Tather in your appearance so that they look thinner and probably not lose much on the scale is no lesson in numbers only.
  • Some wrong behaviors in the use of the balance may adversely affect the balance of accuracy, including:
  1. Measurement after a meal.
  2. Measurement after drinking water Even one cup of water affect the measurements.
  3. Measuring more than once a day and to increase the incidence of frustration after measurement grams with it is normal.
The fifth day of the diet on vegetables, fruit and rice:
The menu for the fifth day of the diet:
  • Dish  of small rice  boiled.
  • 6   grains of  tomatoes.
  • Tmrtin of apples.
  • Half  a cup of  skimmed milk.
  • An orange one.
  • The fruit of one of the grapefruit.
  • Soup diet.

  • Drink at least 12 cups of water.
  • Over us in the menu for the day and there tomatoes in abundance, but you have t make sure you  do not skip  6 beads of   tomatoes on this day,  it can be eaten  at one time  or separately  at  intervals  different  on the same dayYou can  also add  salt and pepper  To change the  flavor but not a lot.
  • All fruit  can be used in  the same time or  separately  but  only use fresh fruit  , not canned using add-ons, you can replace the fruit in existing ones as available and avoid the banana.
  • Do not forget walking for 20 minutes and light exercises.
  • Drink beverages that help you lose weight, which passed us on the first day, as well as cinnamon and ginger.
 Ginger and cinnamon to the diet:
Most of the research on ginger and cinnamon plant confirmed that they are useful in burning fat as they are among the acclaimed drinks and this heartburn that exist with them very useful to burn fat is, as well as the improvement of the digestive tract and stomach performance than good in the metabolism process, but pregnant that Antbehn that cinnamon and ginger may lead to premature birth.

Cinnamon and ginger drink burning of fat:

  •   Teaspoon ground ginger.
  •   2 teaspoons ground cinnamon.
  •   White honey for dessert.
  • Sliced ​​lemon.
Cinnamon dissolved in a glass of water and put on the fire until the boil and add the ginger, stirring and continue to raise from the fire, pour in a cup and sweetened with honey and add to it some lemon slices.

The sixth day

Not left us in the marathon  diet  and access to  fitness  but two days be patient and walked in your way with determination and strength and Never flinch or listen to hypocrites from one tells you that you will not be able to complete a to diet  or you will regain  the weight  they lost quickly, let us to complete our way to the front where we achieve Mantmany
The sixth day of the diet:
On vegetables and rice:
List of food allowed on that day:
All types of vegetables.
A small dish of boiled rice.
  • It does not allow you to use any oils or butter or margarine in rice.
  • Do not forget to drink water at least 12 cups.
  • It allows you to use sugar substitutes in the diet  , but be careful in your choice of appropriate alternative to Splenda  :
1. aspartame:
Sugar is the most famous and most popular alternatives, and given the sweetness of times Mafi natural sugar, and therefore calories Aaattiyk to remember if Maastkhaddmth.
1-not withstand heat, so it can not be used in baking or cooking or hot drinks.
2-may increase the severity of migraine attacks if Knin who suffer from it.
3. cause may be used for long periods of time sensitivity.
Note:  There are many studies that have been conducted on aspartame, it has spread in recent times that it may cause serious diseases of the brain, but these studies did not confirm yet from an accredited health organization.
2. Alsokrwazz:
Alsokrwazz is also a natural alternative to sugar has Alsokrwazz began to spread instead of aspartame because it can be used in cooking and hot drinks, and residual bitter taste in the mouth.

Spoon sweetness of it is given twice as much as 600 natural sugar, so it does not consume any calories than when eating.

Disadvantages:  the consumption of a large amount of it can cause a sense of bloat, the presence of gases colon, or diarrhea.
It can be used in cooking and hot drinks to bear the heat, but the disadvantage is the famous redneck bitter taste in his mouth.
One of the most synthetic substitutes for sugar because of the damage:
1. Because the composition contains sulfa, so it can not be used in patients with allergy to sulfa, and patients banned from their compounds as in the case of anemia beans.
2. In Recent research found that ... may increase the possibility of bladder cancer.
4. Sugar Stevia:
Due to afford good heat (taste diabetes for a long period of stability when exposed to heat), it began the expansion of its use.
Disadvantages:  some research linking the use and greatly between infertility and cancer (in experimental animals), but did not confirm or deny that other research.
5. fructose:
Of the fructose or fruit sugar is a substitute for sugar cane or beet famous use, which consists of sugar in almost all kinds of fruits and some vegetables. And the degree sweeten weak degree of sucrose or sugar cane, and gives the same taste that gives sucrose, but fructose less than sucrose in calories production; therefore advised to use in case you follow a system of diet, which is safe and has no flaws, but are advised not a lot of it
You can choose to Mainaspk of these alternatives for sugar as your need and your condition.

Now the important question which everyone is asking  Will he come back this weight 
Who lost ground during the week?
Of course if I went back to eat voraciously as you wont return by weight and perhaps much more than the last

        Source:  site            

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