
الثلاثاء، 5 مايو 2015

10 Food Tips for patients with osteoporosis

10 Food Tips for patients with osteoporosis

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Bone is living tissue, but with age, bone mass and density less and in some cases, can lead to weakness and osteoporosis, a condition known as osteoporosis. According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 40 million people suffer from osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is a progressive disease as people grow older, and the process of replacing the existing bone with new bone slows down and begin to lose bone density either due to loss of a lot of bones.

Osteoporosis men and women affect disease. However, it is more common in women after menopause due to lower estrogen in the body. Also, people who are Caucasian or Asian origin most likely to develop the disease they are.
Other risk factors genetics, malnutrition, and lack of physical activity, smoking, certain medications, and low body weight is associated with overactive thyroid gland, and the lack of thyroid and adrenal glands also to the occurrence of osteoporosis.
Inadequate calcium intake can cause osteoporosis. They include the lack of other nutrients that appear to have a role in bone formation such as vitamins D and K, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper and boron.
However, the main result is an increased risk of bone fractures and the bones become fragile, so that can cause bones to break easily, which usually occurs in the hips, wrists or spine. During the advanced stages, there may be some signs and symptoms such as back pain, loss of height over time, bending and limited mobility.
Osteoporosis patients or those who have a high risk of development, must follow a strict diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle to help slow the progression of the disease.
In addition, you can use some simple home remedies to keep bones healthy and strong Here are the top home remedies:
. Plum:

eat peaches (dried plum) a day helps prevent fractures and osteoporosis. It has been proven that through the study of the University of Florida in 2011, published in the British Journal of Nutrition.
Peach good for the bones because of the high concentration of polyphenols, and antioxidants that help reduce bone loss. It is a good source of boron, copper, and are two important minerals in bone formation.
It is recommended that all ages are eating 2-3 of dried plums a day, and gradually increase the amount of 6 to 10 per day to prevent osteoporosis.
. Apple:

An apple a day may protect against osteoporosis because they contain antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids maintains bone strength. Flavonoid found in apples help protect postmenopausal women from osteoporosis through anti-inflammatory and increase bone density. Also, apple rich Balboron, which help the body to hold calcium, a brick building bones and muscles as well.
. Coconut oil:

Coconut oil can reverse the effects of estrogen deficiency including loss of bone density. Antioxidant compounds in coconut oil has the ability to maintain bone structure and prevent bone loss as a result of hormonal changes.
In addition, this oil helps the body calcium and magnesium absorption, and are two of the essential nutrients needed to develop and maintain strong bones.
Eating large three tablespoons of coconut oil a day can help prevent osteoporosis and five tablespoons a day can help the opposite.
You can also externally oil fat on the entire body and rubbed gently for a few minutes. Then take a hot bath. When done on a regular basis, this is a simple treatment has a positive effect on the health of your bones. Also, the use of coconut oil in cooking.
. Almond Milk:

Almond milk contains a good amount of calcium and thus is a good cure for osteoporosis. In addition, it contains magnesium, manganese and potassium, which are essential for bone health and strength.
Soak one cup of almonds in water overnight. The next day, remove the crusts and put almonds in a blender with 2-2 and half a cup of water. Blend until smooth mash, add a little honey and cinnamon powder and filtered through cheesecloth. Drink this milk a day. You can choose to instead buy almond milk from the market.
Another option is to soak 10 almonds in water overnight and then flake Mzjhm with a glass of warm milk (preferably goat's milk). Add a pinch of saffron, cardamom and ginger powder to this mixture and drink twice daily before breakfast and before bedtime.
. Sesame seeds:

an effective way to help prevent osteoporosis is to eat sesame seeds in your diet. Sesame seeds are rich in calcium, one of the most important nutrient for bone health. In addition, they contain other nutrients for bone health, such as magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, phosphorus, vitamins K and D. chewing a handful of sesame seeds daily toaster in the morning.
Instead, mix one teaspoon of toasted sesame seeds in a glass of warm milk. And drink this twice a day. Also, the use of roasted sesame seeds in cooking and baking.
. Fish oil:
Fish oil supplements help to increase bone mineral density and vitamin D because of the omega-3 essential fatty acids.
A study sponsored by NASA and published in bone mineral research magazine that Omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil prevents activation of factors that lead to bone and muscle loss by reducing bone breakdown.
A simple option is to take 1,000 mg of fish oil supplements once a day with a meal. You can also eat cold-water fish such as salmon to help increase the amount of essential fatty acids in the diet.
Note: people taking medication to prevent blood clots should not take fish oil supplements without consulting your doctor.

 . Pineapple:
  Pineapple contains what is useful in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Has been linked to manganese deficiency with bone deformity and bone loss, which in turn can cause low bone density and osteoporosis.

Eating one cup of cut fresh pineapple daily before a meal. One cup of pineapple and provides about 75% of the required daily dose of manganese. Instead, you can drink a glass of pineapple juice daily to prevent osteoporosis.
. Coriander:
Coriander is rich in minerals which are valuable in maintaining bone health. Each of coriander seeds and rich in calcium, potassium, manganese and magnesium and iron. Calcium, manganese plays a key role in the treatment and prevention of weak bones. These nutrients also help reduce bone loss in the spine in the elderly women.
Mixing two tablespoons of coriander seeds in a cup of hot water. Coverage for five to 10 minutes. Drain and add the honey. Drink this twice a day. Also, add coriander leaves and seeds in your cooking.
. Enjoy the sun:

healthy and strong bones, you need to vitamin D. and play a pivotal role in the field of nutrition by facilitating the absorption of calcium, which helps prevent osteoporosis in later years. One of the best natural sources of vitamin D is the sun.
To increase the amount of vitamin D, exposing yourself to the sun early in the morning for 10 to 15 minutes a day. This helps to produce vitamin D in the body. However, you should avoid excessive exposure and do not forget to use sunscreen before going out in the sun during the day.
. Exercise regularly:
Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to fight osteoporosis. It was found that regular physical exercise can help reduce bone loss, increase bone density and generally improve the health of your bones. Some types of exercises that are useful for the bones are:
weight-bearing exercises such as walking, or playing tennis.
Resistance exercises with free weights.
flexibility and balance exercises.
The practice of these exercises for at least 30 minutes daily or at least three days a week.
If you're new to exercise should work with a certified instructor and according to personal program.

Additional tips
- Eating calcium-rich foods a day. Rich in magnesium foods, vitamins K and D, should also consume essential fatty acids and Almngenaz.- prevent alcohol.
- Do not smoke because it reduces bone density and speeds of bone loss rate.
- Walking steps to prevent falls that may lead to broken bones and aggravate your condition .
- medicines your own and some drugs such as steroids and diuretics and drugs thyroid hormone control because they may contribute to bone loss.
- reduce stress, which can lead to higher hormone levels of cortisol, a hormone which causes osteoporosis.
- Cut down on caffeine and cola because they increase calcium from the body loss.
- Taking calcium and vitamin D supplements if you do not get enough in your diet, but only after consulting your doctor.
- Avoid high-canned foods of sodium as well as fermented soy protein powders foods. Reduce the amount of meat contributes to the reduction of the calcium content in the bones.
        Source:  site  

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